Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Modest Proposal

Ok, I totally stole that from Swift and I am not going to preach the upside of cannibalism. Really? Yes, eating children, that just isn't right, they are all stringy and can't have much flavor. Probably mostly grisly, and no one likes grisl, except maybe dogs, they love that crap anyway. So I live in a City that seems to feel the best way to solve things is to take a logical premise and then turn it upside down so it makes absolutely no sense.
I play RoShamBow, Rock, paper, scissor its an elegant game, rules are simple, rock beats scissor, scissor beats paper, paper beats rock. I would like to propose a new game called, Car, Bike Pedestrian, CaBiPed. Normal rules would be, car beats bike, bike beats pedestrian, and pedestrian beats car. Absurd you say, well it sort of is because it really wouldn't work that way, because Pedestrian beats Car, Pedestrian beats Bike, Bike beats car and well, car doesn't really beat anything. I know, how can a 2000 pound vehicle not win in all of them, well in San Francisco they have this law that says Pedestrians have the right of way, yes, you can walk into any cross walk and every car has to stop, you can cross on a green light and in theory the person in the cross walk has the right of way. I think bikes win as well, because bikes are everywhere the only thing they can't beat is a pedestrian, in a cross walk. The absurdity of all this has given us 8 people killed so far this year, probably countless more accidents that don't make the news. Living in the city a driver is bombarded with so much stimulus that it is almost impossible to keep track of everything, lane restrictions, the ability to turn left every five miles in a city that is 7 by 7 miles. Cell phones, taxis, bikes, pedestrians, cell phones, homeless jay walkers, normal jay walkers, dogs on leashes, dogs off leashes, street signs that are hidden behind trees, distractions abound and the city is unwilling to make it any easier on the drivers, that are behind the wheels. So my simple proposal is this, make it legal to run people over. Change the asinine laws and put logic at the for front. Yes it would be very unpleasant at first the implementation of this new law. People getting run over for crossing against the light, random jaywalkers being mowed down. The old lady that decides to start crossing the street when their is 1 second left of the crossing and the light changes. Mayhem would in sue but think of the other perks, morticians and hospitals would have a boom. Car sales would spike up as new buyers get the latest and greatest grills and tires. Autobody shops would have so much work they would have to hire more people to pound out the dents and paint the cars. Yes it would be a very hard transition, new laws would have to be written, camera's installed to make sure that when someone got ran over they laws were followed but the upside would be people would learn that a car beats a pedestrian every time and having the right of way needs to make room for logic. Yes there would be some sad cases where an old lady got mowed down but really travesty happen all the time, but the upside, we would get rid of a whole generation of morons.

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